Air BnB

-Superhost 14 times in a row. Over 100 5-Star reviews.

-Hosted properties that ranged from $500-$1,500+/night for over 5 years.

-Stopped all rentals once pandemic hit in March 2020 indefinitely 

-Best rental: $27,000 for 4 nights during RNC convention in Cleveland when Trump was nominated in ‘16. Guests barely even used the space.

-Worst Rental: There were many, but probably at a property I called ‘Treasure’ when the guest decided to host a secret event (common happening) and got robbed at gunpoint by one of his guests…or maybe when a bachelorette party flushed an entire roll of TP and it clogged the plumbing throughout the building and backed up waste through two floors and then when improperly cleared spilled out into an event space everywhere…or was it that time that very flamboyantly gay couple had a wedding shower and must have ceremoniously deficated with several guests all over the master bedroom of a posh 5,000 square foot penthouse…or it could have been the time the blood was puddling out beneath the locked bathroom door to no response, or the time when the strippers were butt naked on the precarious and rusted through 6 stry fire escape passed out, or the time the obliterated drunk guest climbed through the elevator shaft onto the roof and was tightrope walking on the edge of a thin concrete ledge 80 feet above the street singing to a seagull which was attacking him…or those times I don’t feel comfortable sharing but you’re welcome to ask about. Trust me, if you stretch your imagination, it’s worse.

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